Thursday, 22 December 2011


Well, for some reason I was thinking about people having a bad day.  Don't even ask why, I have no sweet clue.  Anyways, lets go!  Things to do when you're having a bad day (your stupidity is in your own hands.) 

1.  Laugh.  No matter what, if you're having a bad day and you just start laughing, it'll cheer you up for a bit.  Yes, I know, you don't always have something to laugh at so just start laughing.  If that made you laugh, there you go. :) Remember, laughing is the best medicine.

2.  Look at a picture of something cute.  Whatever it is, if you think it's cute, it's bound to make you smile :) .  Honest to God, if it's a worm that you think is cute (I don't think they are.  But everyone is different you know)  look at it.  Hm, did that make you laugh?  Well if it did bonus.

3.  Talk to someone funny.  That's easy enough.  Funny people everywhere :D .  Seriously, if my sister is mad at me and I tell her something that she would normally smile at but since shes angry she won't, all I have to say is; I see a little smile forming in the corners of your lips!!       Works. Every. Time. 

4.  Eat cookies.  Nuff' said.  Cookies make me smile.

5.  Spend time on yourself.  Put on make-up, nail polish etc. that you'd never wear anywhere.  Make yourself look crazy.  Yeah, that'll probably have you laughing.  (K, this isn't meant for guys, but if you want; go for it.)

And last but not least.

6.  Think of how good you have it.  That you have a place to sleep, food to eat, family, friends etc.  Most likely you won't be alone on Christmas.  No one should be, but guess what?  Sad as it is, some people are..think of that.  No, it won't make you smile, but it'll maybe put you in the right mind that no.  Things could be worse, life isn't that horrible and I have it pretty darn good in life.

I know no one is perfect and you can't always be happy, I know I'm not.  Just try and make the best of things which isn't ALWAYS possible, but if it is please do.  Sm:)e.  That is all. <3

Friday, 16 December 2011


YES! It's here already <3 .  We made it :)!  Not going to be at school again until 2012!  SO PUMPED! Can you tell?? :D Eep! HEHEHEHEHE...Okay,okay, enough of that.

LOL, Model pose with the girls&sisterrr :)


Semi-Formal last night...=AMAZING NIGHT!  BEST DANCE EVER. <3 :) For multiple reasons.  But that's all I'm telling you.  (OH & I'll add a couple pictures of me and the girls).

I'M SO FREAKIN' HAPPY THAT IT'S CHRISTMAS VACATION!! It's actually unreal.  I can't wait to do dog training, big long walks in the woods and at the golf course, skiing, skating, being with family, ETCETCETC!

Tomorrow (Saturday) is dad's birthday see his blog here;  HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD! LOVE YOU <3 :) .

I have paragraphed this probably too many times, lol, but owell. I feel like it, so suck it up.  Then, as you would know if you read my last post, there is a disc dog trial at the Agridome on Sunday! :) It's gunna be pretty wicked!  Anyways, I feel like I have so much to say, but this post is pretty random and I'm not really giving details on anything, haha.  Too's some songs I enjoy, check 'em out if you like links below.

Yeah, 3 random songs, I love them all. <3

Peace out (:

Monday, 12 December 2011

Falling Behind

I'm being a bad blogger.  Two weeks and I haven't written anything.  At all.  But now I am, so for whoever reads this, YAY!

Nothing special has happened the past two weekends.. yesterday we got out the Christmas lights and we're going to get our tree sometime this week.  :) That is exciting!!  ALSO, this weekend is a disc dog trial, here in Truro (Bible Hill).  It will be at the Agridome :):) (Where we have agility trials and people rent it for other purposes as well).

I'm really excited about that...actually, a lot of exciting this are happening this week!  (I know, over using the word exciting, owell). To name a few --> School is done for Christmas break, we're having our semi-formal dance at school on Thursday, and then Saturday is my dad's birthday (LOVE YOU DAD <3) and then the trial!  Whoohoo! <3

Know what else, ? No?  Hmm, I don't really know either.  Yep, this is a short one!  Maybe I'll add some pictures to fill it out :) .  Everyone likes pictures!

Well, I guess I'll go play some recallers games with the dogs. (Yea, I forgot we're doing the recallers course by Susan Garrett! Yay for dogs coming back!!)

Peace. <3